Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Anything but ideal

As I continue my education, I feel like the more we enter into this recession, the more slack I seemed to get. It just seems that either way I take, professional-wise, I'm going to be SOL. So, to make myself a better candidate for future jobs, I decided to double-major. Mind you, I'm still taking a minor because at state, the only way you can major in advertising is if you have a minor. But technically, I don't see the point at having an Advertisement major at state. All the classes seemed to provide knowledge that seems to be irrelevant. I just feel like with this industry, more classes should emphasize experience to the max, after all, we are in Silicon Valley. But I digress..I just feel like I need to be more multi-faceted especially if I'm going against other students who have MBAs. I'm being quite a "Debbie Downer." The funny thing is, despite all unpleasantness thinking about the future, I still have the drive for it. Everytime I watch my favorite ad, it reinvigorates me to do what I want to do... I guess that's what makes a good ad.

To catch up on my ad news, I started looking at DDB's website, updating myself on their newest stuff. I particularly liked this ad that Paris DDB made for GQ magazine. Maybe because I fall in GQ's age range, I find it funny. Also, as a woman, I found the selling points to be relateable to my mentality of men. GQ is definitely a young man's magazine. I can't but smile at their hot men they put on their covers..definitely chic. Can that be possible? A man's magazine chic? Esquire seems to be one of GQ's competition, but there is difference in content and demographics. Anyways..have a look: