Thursday, August 6, 2009

Recent marketing strategies" "the Shack" and the Palm Pre

Has anyone seen the new Radio Shack campaigns? The re-branding of "the Shack" is quite interesting. When I saw the first 15 second spot, I couldn't help but chuckle. To me, it targeted the most obvious - gen x, the millennials if you will. I watched the second one and again had the same response. And like every other ad student there, I started to do some research. Apparently, not everyone was swooned by the re-branding. Most found that the re-branding really wouldn't help RadioShack's problems at all. I'd compare their ads to the recent Palm Pre campaign. Weird, creepy girl talking to you? Yes, that's the one. And BINGO, there you go. Consumers are able to recognize the ad, thus recognize the product. I guess it's too early to tell whether or not the ads are working but I definitely like to see how it all progresses.

In comparison, the new Iphone ads showing the benefits of their applications are probably boosting many of their sells. I wouldn't be surprised, it's either Iphones or Blackberries. I am in fact a Blackberry user. I love my Blackberry. More Apple news, founders of said ipods are going to be obsolete. A complete duh to the world, but let's face it the ipod touch and the iphone are just conquering.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crazy about Mad Men?

So I finally did it. I finally became a fan of Mad Men. At first I was skeptical -too many people liked it, the critics loved it, I figured I'd be the person to dislike it. The first episode didn't captivate me but as I continued to watch the first season, I started to gasp with each little plot twist and turn. I will admit I am not a fan of Peggy, she just irks me. I have no problem with a woman succeeding in the world of copyrighting but she just in general irks me. And for Don Draper? My, oh my. He's a quite a man. It's so ironic how every woman wants him because he exemplifies that strong, dependable husband yet he's the primary example of everything you would not want in a husband. Anyways, I'm really excited for the third season. Visually, it's amazing..and for once, I love seeing women in natural sizes. Hello, Christina Hendricks as Joan! If that isn't sexy to any heterosexual man out there..then I don't know what it is.

Like my professor mentioned before, the show isn't so focused on advertising but when they do plots concerning them, (which is basically all of them, duh) it's truly something to learn from. It's quite inspiring to learn the history of the future occupation you wish to acquire.