Sunday, February 7, 2010

Being a Man is Apparently Great aside from not getting their periods or child birth, it seems that men have been the golden children of the ages. Superbowl ads have arrived, and sadly, I wasn't there in real time to experience every million-worthy second. I had work so I had to watch them online, you see, the bowl works around my time. My favorite one that I've seen so far are the Doritos ads that were consumer generated and the Dove for Men ad. Somehow, Dove just gets it right every time. The catchy tune, although familiar but different, seemed to go perfectly well with its pitch, "be comfortable in your skin." Another round of applause for Dove. Seriously, it works for women with their real beauty campaign and now for men? And the the Doritos, absolutely hilarious. I'm torn between the man-slapping kid or the snack attack samurais...oh man, to be a man.

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