Thursday, August 26, 2010

hit the ground running

I've always hated that term of expression, it might as well be phrased as, "Well, you better start working or you're going to get shitted on." More or less in those terms but it's real. It's the relative toll of advertising classes that are taking effect. Inch by inch, the responsibilities are starting to pile up, but that of course is expected. I guess what isn't expected is the fact that I haven't had a nervous breakdown yet. Who am I kidding? Give me 3 months...

We entered our first day, already setting up accounts. I got my pick, and I'm leading. It's enthralling to be leading, not in that Mussolini leading but rather taking charge and being proactive. Being proactive is essential to all of those. Luckily, I hate lagging so much that I tend to get my feet dirtied up a bit. That and with club, it's going to be advertising mayham, to say that very least. But I'm excited for it, as I said before, it's this advertising high that I'm on.

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