Saturday, November 6, 2010
half way
It's half way through the semester and I'm starting to realize some of the core values of the advertising business. In essence, it's what we learn from Sesame Street: always play nice, always try your hardest and even, it's okay to cry.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
a steady but sure start
There's nothing like playing the waiting game. While it builds anticipation, it's that gray area where you can't decide if you're ready or if you're not. Mostly, I'm ready and I just can't wait.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
hit the ground running
I've always hated that term of expression, it might as well be phrased as, "Well, you better start working or you're going to get shitted on." More or less in those terms but it's real. It's the relative toll of advertising classes that are taking effect. Inch by inch, the responsibilities are starting to pile up, but that of course is expected. I guess what isn't expected is the fact that I haven't had a nervous breakdown yet. Who am I kidding? Give me 3 months...
We entered our first day, already setting up accounts. I got my pick, and I'm leading. It's enthralling to be leading, not in that Mussolini leading but rather taking charge and being proactive. Being proactive is essential to all of those. Luckily, I hate lagging so much that I tend to get my feet dirtied up a bit. That and with club, it's going to be advertising mayham, to say that very least. But I'm excited for it, as I said before, it's this advertising high that I'm on.
We entered our first day, already setting up accounts. I got my pick, and I'm leading. It's enthralling to be leading, not in that Mussolini leading but rather taking charge and being proactive. Being proactive is essential to all of those. Luckily, I hate lagging so much that I tend to get my feet dirtied up a bit. That and with club, it's going to be advertising mayham, to say that very least. But I'm excited for it, as I said before, it's this advertising high that I'm on.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
the early bird gets the worm
The school year is about to begin in t minus 3 weeks. As much as I play cool, I'm a nerd at heart. I yearn for the trips to the store to buy school supplies - and yes, I'm picky about my supplies - as well as the first day of school. I have my first day outfit picked, I don't care, it's important to make a great impression. More importantly, I'm excited about the Agency. I'm looking forward to finally advancing myself, learning the little in's and out's about advertising.
This summer seemed to be filled with misses. I didn't get the internship, which is understandable. But as all situations have a silver lining, mine was this: I was a sophomore in college that actually had an interview with a "big name" agency. That has to earn me some points right? Well, hopefully, this year will gain some driving force from this summer to get me somewhere next summer.
But let me digress from my own life to talk about the new season of Mad Men. I feel like I completely forgot about season 3, feeling a little lost in the beginning. But of course it still didn't steered me from getting completely involved. I like Peggy, she's a lot more confident, more demanding and has a better hairstyle. Good personality, good hair - can't go wrong there. Also, does anyone else notice Peggy's new assistant, uhh McCopywriterHottie! Hello Joey Baird - You can Baird at my cubicle anytime ;)
This summer seemed to be filled with misses. I didn't get the internship, which is understandable. But as all situations have a silver lining, mine was this: I was a sophomore in college that actually had an interview with a "big name" agency. That has to earn me some points right? Well, hopefully, this year will gain some driving force from this summer to get me somewhere next summer.
But let me digress from my own life to talk about the new season of Mad Men. I feel like I completely forgot about season 3, feeling a little lost in the beginning. But of course it still didn't steered me from getting completely involved. I like Peggy, she's a lot more confident, more demanding and has a better hairstyle. Good personality, good hair - can't go wrong there. Also, does anyone else notice Peggy's new assistant, uhh McCopywriterHottie! Hello Joey Baird - You can Baird at my cubicle anytime ;)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Oh my, Joseph Gordon Levitt
Inception was definitely reminiscent of older Christoper Nolan films - i.e. a mind boggling experience aided with special effects. It tapped into an interesting aspect of REM sleep and delve deeper into the idea of manipulation of our subconscious through dreams. Of course, it didn't hurt to have my favorite actor to be the eye candy. It was a great movie, Leo Dicaprio's character the main driving force in the film. Aside from the actual film, I've heard/read that the marketing for Inception in itself was quite amazing. Wall posters of building coming part not only sparked online buzz but it also kept the audience intrigued..after all, the trailer was no ordinary trailer, it actually left audiences wondering. In large part, both the actors and production knew how enigmatic the film and especially the marketing. Guess we'll find out the results soon...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The art of

I've been given really great advice on how to tackle my date. But it's still a tad bit intimidating. I'm not quite sure what to expect.
Then there's the question as to what to wear. I've been searching in the deep crevices of my mind..and I've come up with some darn cute business clothes. But i feel like shopping for purpose defeats shopping with me. I don't get to enjoy it quite the same..or with as much luck.
But I digress, my days in the advertising department are growing. In one of my projects, I was able to work with a great non-profit organization called Unity Care Group. My point was to create and implement a tangible communications strategy. Granted it was simple, but then again it wasn't simple enough for them to do. I wanted it to be simple because it was local with a simple cause. I'm not quite sure what my grade is with this class, but I hope I'm satisfied...I'm starting to hone on my skills, it's kind've cool to see my own progress.
But I, interviewing with internships just seemed so tiring. I'm literally facebook-stalking and google binging on this agency..I feel like quite the P.I, if I don't say so myself.
Well, fingers crossed it gets me somewhere,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
a bit of inspiration
I finally watched Art and Copy. It was just the right amount of inspiration I needed to get through this semester. It just seemed like an advertising-filled day, started with the "new" agency meeting the "old" agency, then studying for consumer advertising, take the final and then ended in home watching Art and Copy. Tomorrow, McCan meets with Spartan Ad club. Excited, yes I am. Alas, let's welcome the brutality that is finals, bubbling and all-nighters!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
an inch, an ounce
one small step for isidora, and it's still one small step..
Meet Us After School is slowly coming along, I didn't realize how many agencies there are in just the Bay Area. Really, there are some really great offices here. I'm losing sleep, it's getting crazy. All this for one night? You betcha.
Meet Us After School is slowly coming along, I didn't realize how many agencies there are in just the Bay Area. Really, there are some really great offices here. I'm losing sleep, it's getting crazy. All this for one night? You betcha.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Being a Man is Apparently Great aside from not getting their periods or child birth, it seems that men have been the golden children of the ages. Superbowl ads have arrived, and sadly, I wasn't there in real time to experience every million-worthy second. I had work so I had to watch them online, you see, the bowl works around my time. My favorite one that I've seen so far are the Doritos ads that were consumer generated and the Dove for Men ad. Somehow, Dove just gets it right every time. The catchy tune, although familiar but different, seemed to go perfectly well with its pitch, "be comfortable in your skin." Another round of applause for Dove. Seriously, it works for women with their real beauty campaign and now for men? And the the Doritos, absolutely hilarious. I'm torn between the man-slapping kid or the snack attack samurais...oh man, to be a man.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Anything but ideal
As I continue my education, I feel like the more we enter into this recession, the more slack I seemed to get. It just seems that either way I take, professional-wise, I'm going to be SOL. So, to make myself a better candidate for future jobs, I decided to double-major. Mind you, I'm still taking a minor because at state, the only way you can major in advertising is if you have a minor. But technically, I don't see the point at having an Advertisement major at state. All the classes seemed to provide knowledge that seems to be irrelevant. I just feel like with this industry, more classes should emphasize experience to the max, after all, we are in Silicon Valley. But I digress..I just feel like I need to be more multi-faceted especially if I'm going against other students who have MBAs. I'm being quite a "Debbie Downer." The funny thing is, despite all unpleasantness thinking about the future, I still have the drive for it. Everytime I watch my favorite ad, it reinvigorates me to do what I want to do... I guess that's what makes a good ad.
To catch up on my ad news, I started looking at DDB's website, updating myself on their newest stuff. I particularly liked this ad that Paris DDB made for GQ magazine. Maybe because I fall in GQ's age range, I find it funny. Also, as a woman, I found the selling points to be relateable to my mentality of men. GQ is definitely a young man's magazine. I can't but smile at their hot men they put on their covers..definitely chic. Can that be possible? A man's magazine chic? Esquire seems to be one of GQ's competition, but there is difference in content and demographics. Anyways..have a look:
To catch up on my ad news, I started looking at DDB's website, updating myself on their newest stuff. I particularly liked this ad that Paris DDB made for GQ magazine. Maybe because I fall in GQ's age range, I find it funny. Also, as a woman, I found the selling points to be relateable to my mentality of men. GQ is definitely a young man's magazine. I can't but smile at their hot men they put on their covers..definitely chic. Can that be possible? A man's magazine chic? Esquire seems to be one of GQ's competition, but there is difference in content and demographics. Anyways..have a look:
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