Saturday, April 25, 2009


I'm assuming half of the free world is on Twitter because apparently everyone including Larry King is talking about it. I have yet to conquer the world of Twitter because frankly, I'm too technology challenged to even fathom how it all works. I think even starting this blog was quite troublesome for me..but I digress. But in the world of advertising, it's best to keep up with the technology trend because the big names are doing it as well. At least I am familiar with it and it's interesting to know what agencies are up to. But then I start to feel somewhat of a stalker knowing your every move, like Facebook. It becomes a little weird when I start to know what you said to who or what you did in the past five minutes. I don't know when the world wanted to know everyone's business. It's mad I tell you!

Lately, I haven't been going to my advertisement class because I've been working on our advertisement project. But I was lucky enough to have a week off to actually work on the proposal. Alas, I'm even at lost to work on this proposal. Thankfully, the creatives on my team are creating. But I digress..two more weeks until we present. I'm really on pins and needles.

OHH! An ad from Leo Burnett called "Hello" is probably the most heart-wrenching, "aww" commercial I have ever seen. My media planner and I have been watching it non-stop feeding off its tone and basically trying to probe into its motherboard to copy it. But of course, we're unprofessional and lame to even try that.

Noxzema anyone?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Getting a little something more than tires

After countless remarks about my balding tires, my mom finally decides to go and change them. I accompanied her on this trip, fully acknowledging I would be sitting in a waiting room for an hour or so. But I after a quick mani/pedi, I started flipping through Inc. magazine. Assuming it was like any other magazines about business, I didn't take any immediate interest. Then, low and behold I find this article about an nontraditional advertising agency, Wexley School for Girls. The name itself is pretty eyeball worthy. Based in Seattle,they are a full-service advertising agency experienced in research, planning, traditional advertising, mixed in with a plenty of unconventional marketing tactics as well. Even their website is pretty..fucking neat. Definitely check them out at

as mentioned earlier, I've been working on my project as account director and to say the very least, it really is a tough job. I think the biggest payoff so far, is having my professor smirk and say my team is really acting like a real agency and she can tell I'm enjoying all this chaos. Chaos doesn't even seem to begin to describe the amount of stress this has embedded into my body and more importantly, my mind. I'm always thinking about this brand, about this product, about this image. Luckily, it's my off day and at least I don't have to think about it, but have is the operative word. Thus far, I have learned two things: I have not a creative and will never aspire to be and simplicity is key. The latter should be understood even before the project began but..I digress. My media planner and I have a long ways to go..haha and many evil stick figures to mutate.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Is there a bug on me or a microphone?

It's extremely late and for some reason I had this interesting inclination to blog about the issue of privacy. After watching The Conversation in class, our professor reminded us that the movie was released near the Watergate scandal. The movie was about the issue of surveillance. Which leads me to think, "is it really for the sake of our safety?"

Obviously, the issue of homeland security is in continuous debate and the ethnics behind it..but at some point, there is a definite pro and con. How important is our privacy? Even those whom choose to remain reclusive often still find themselves at the feet of unprotected privacy. Is there a limit to how much privacy we can have? Today, our media consists of daily reports of mundane routines of celebrities. Do we really need to know they bought that? Of course not, but we choose to know. What about the government? Is there limitation to what they can release to the country? And if homeland security exists or is by some chance is released, does the government fall under those circumstances as well? Remember the scene in the Dark Knight when they show the sonar system. Insane. Our media is sent to us with certain guidelines and our perception is warped. Sure, not all of us believe it, but the reality is, most of our country does.

There's an episode of Family Guy when Lois works for Fox. Fox is notoriously known for having affiliations with the Republican party and being an overall conservative network. Family Guy goes to show that perception is definitely biased no matter what media is used.

What would happen if the country knew everything the government will do or is doing? ...I think we'd be in some deep shit.

it's late, forgive me if this grammatically and tremendously incorrect. grammar is my enemy.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

TAG? You're not a creative! know you're not a creative don't care how it's made.

case in point:

Audience resonance. Definitely, who hasn't played a good game of tag? Eliciting the right emotion? Damn right, it almost made me want to run and that's a hard thing to do.

On a side note: Petunia still doesn't understand that you can't mix white clothing with the colors. Petunia doesn't understand that if you do, the colors will bleed onto the whites and it'd just be a big mess. She says she doesn't care, and that she doesn't mind if they do look tacky. But Petunia doesn't know that tacky doesn't get you anywhere except making you look like you got dressed in the dark. Sadly, Petunia is stubborn and will look like a hot mess.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So as I was flipping through ads in my head, I forgot..I do have a favorite one. I was lucky enough to meet some of the creators at this year's ADDYS. It's such a great video, it made me laugh and join in song. I think if it's catchy and easy to remember, you're definitely doing something right. YAHOO!'s "start wearing purple" campaign..just makes so much sense. It's hidden aspect makes it even more enticing to laugh along as the girl is completely frazzled. DARN, I wish I had more experience to describe it with the right terminology and some type of profoundness.

..Start wearing purple, start wearing purple for me now...