Saturday, April 25, 2009


I'm assuming half of the free world is on Twitter because apparently everyone including Larry King is talking about it. I have yet to conquer the world of Twitter because frankly, I'm too technology challenged to even fathom how it all works. I think even starting this blog was quite troublesome for me..but I digress. But in the world of advertising, it's best to keep up with the technology trend because the big names are doing it as well. At least I am familiar with it and it's interesting to know what agencies are up to. But then I start to feel somewhat of a stalker knowing your every move, like Facebook. It becomes a little weird when I start to know what you said to who or what you did in the past five minutes. I don't know when the world wanted to know everyone's business. It's mad I tell you!

Lately, I haven't been going to my advertisement class because I've been working on our advertisement project. But I was lucky enough to have a week off to actually work on the proposal. Alas, I'm even at lost to work on this proposal. Thankfully, the creatives on my team are creating. But I digress..two more weeks until we present. I'm really on pins and needles.

OHH! An ad from Leo Burnett called "Hello" is probably the most heart-wrenching, "aww" commercial I have ever seen. My media planner and I have been watching it non-stop feeding off its tone and basically trying to probe into its motherboard to copy it. But of course, we're unprofessional and lame to even try that.

Noxzema anyone?

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